Home School Agreement

As a student, I agree to…
Ethos Treat other people as I would like to be treated
Always work to the best of my ability
Being ready for school Wear the correct school uniform at all times
Bring the right equipment to school every day
Make sure I have my planner with me each day
Attendance/Punctuality Attend school every day
Arrive on time to registration and lessons
Bring in an absence note if I have been away
Class and Homework Work hard in all lessons and ensure that I do not prevent others from learning
Have pride in my work
Look after my school books and equipment
Write all homework in my planner, do my homework and hand it in on time
Work towards achieving my targets
Behaviour Behave well inside and outside of school
Abide by the school rules
Respect the school environment
Pastoral Support Let my teachers or parent/carer know if I have any worries
Listen to advice
Links with the school Make the most of new opportunities
Bring back reply slips promptly
Extra curricular life of the school Give all letters and messages to my parent/carer promptly
Join in clubs and activities