At addey and Stanhope students follow a two-year KS4 Curriculum. Student option choices are made during year 9.
The KS4 pathways are as follows:
Students then have a free of choice of three additional subjects to study from the following list:
Making curriculum options choices in Year 9 is a very important part of the journey at Addey and Stanhope for students. It is an opportunity for them to take control of their education and shape their future.
At the start of Year 10 students will begin the courses that will result in them gaining their first set of qualifications. The choices they make will also influence what courses, apprenticeships, or careers they decide to follow when they leave Addey and Stanhope to take the next steps in life.
• How can I make sure I get as many Level 2 (the equivalent of GCSE grade 5-9) qualifications as possible?
• What subjects are on offer?
• What subjects do I enjoy?
• Can I cope with the demands of the course?
• How well do I cope with examinations?
• How well would I cope with coursework or assessments?
• Are there vital subjects for certain post-16 courses, apprenticeships or careers?
• Have I chosen a suitable and balanced group of subjects?