- Art
- Business Studies
- Citizenship
- Computing
- Design Technology
- Drama
- English
- Food
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Modern Foreign Languages
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religious Education
- Science
Curriculum Intent
In Music, the intent for KS3 is to unlock pupil creativity, find hidden talents and build confidence. As well as developing instrumental skill and a knowledge base of theoretical understanding, it is also very important for learners to understand and appreciate cultures, traditions and identities different of their own. Through study and active participation, pupils will learn to respect one another through the introduction of performance/audience etiquette and professional music-making expectations. Our curriculum will inspire an interest in music that can become, not only a platform towards future study of music, but a way for pupils to contribute towards wider school life and build the foundation for musical experiences which can last a lifetime.
Currciulum Strands
Listening to Music - The critical and analytical skill of appraising music of all forms through academic study, appreciation and understanding
Performing Music - Developing the skill to play a variety of musical instruments in varying-sized ensembles (1+).
Creating Music - Developing the skill to compose music through a variety of different systems -DAW, ensemble and solo.
Class activities and enrichment
Music at Addey and Stanhope School is taught holistically with all three strands developed through a variety of projects and disciplines. Class activities include singing, instrumental playing, listening to music, working collaboration, fostering creativity and experimenting with ideas. Students will have the chance to develop skills in different areas of music including music production in our recently converted studio, using a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), playing acoustic instruments and taking part in practical workshops. In addition to a number of clubs and groups, there is the opportunity to learn Piano, Drums, Guitar, Bass and Vocals in a small group peripatetic lesson.
Overview of KS3
A rich variety of projects underpin the development of the three curriculum strands. Music is taught in a 1hr session per week with most students taking part in a weekly performance workshop from Lewisham Music Service.
Overview of KS4
Our course at KS4 has been carefully selected to give our students the greatest variety of options at KS5. The Pearson BTEC – Technical Award in Music Practice aligns deliberately at the end point of KS3 and develops the three strands with greater autonomy and specialism. Students study a wide variety of styles and contexts and will become very familiar with rudiments and principals of music. As this is a part vocational course, careers and opportunities in the music industry are carefully woven into the course to ensure students understand the vital role the music industry plays in society and the economy.